2011年4月9日 星期六

「SM攝影師」繪畫般的風格-Vlad Gansovsky

(本篇所有圖片均來自Vlad Gansovsky官網)

又到了整理SM攝影師作品分享給大家的時候了,這次分享的是1977年出生於俄羅斯的Vlad Gansovsky先生。

Gansovsky在官網的about me提到:


I was born in 1977 in the engineers’ family. From the early childhood I perceived myself as an artist. I was fond of painting. Besides I used to take my father’s photo camera and tried to photograph. My father taught me to take and to print pictures. At the age of 9 I printed photographs without any assistance. However later I got photography out of my head for long years and spent all spare time on the other hobbies.

I entered technical university. Soon I realized that I didn’t want to become an engineer. I decided to get the second education and attended evening classes on graphics and design. I was interested in visual art. I became mad about body art. Then I came to conclusion that photographing people is more interesting for me than painting them. So I turned to photography again at the age of 22. Two or three years later I became a professional photographer.
I concentrated on nude photographing. I searched for the more attractive art trend which could be close and absorbing for me. First I was attracted by retro stylization. At hat period I was mainly influenced by Jan Saudek’s art. Later I turned to doom, goth, dark sensuality.

In 2005 I came to fetish and BDSM themes. These themes still predominate in my art. However I am always absorbed by searching for the other themes and trends. As for BDSM photography I am mainly interested in people relations and also in emotions, intimation that take place in the cadre.

My artist statement is maximum openness. I mean not only spiritual but also physical openness. I aspire to reveal and demonstrate the things usually perceived as taboo, the actions people made “without light” because they are supposed to be perverted.
I suppose that the lack of openness and sincerity in the modern society should be considered as perversion, it leads to the loss of gladness in people relations.





在2005年開始了「fetish and BDSM」這個創作項目的拍攝,這個項目至今依然是Vlad Gansovsky的拍攝主軸,對於BDSM,Vlad Gansovsky感興趣的依然是SM關係中所引發的情感、情慾等等。

Vlad Gansovsky的創作理念是:「最大的開放性」,這並不只是指精神上的開放性,而是包含身體上的開放性,Vlad Gansovsky想展示的通常是一種被視為禁忌的東西。






這又是一位非常出色的西洋緊縛系攝影師,攝影風格非常的明顯,自小繪畫的關係使得他的作品都有類似繪畫、復古的風格,但是相當可惜的是在"fetish and BDSM"這個拍攝項目裡具有繪畫風格的照片不多就是了。

我在挑選封面的時候想了很久,因為真的非常難以決定,有好幾張都有成為封面的價值,就拍攝技法上Vlad Gansovsky比較沒有反差上的問題,他的作品光線非常的柔和,並沒有特別的製造出影子來營造反差,這會使得照片是一種很"親切"的表現,讓讀者可以很自然又溫和的接受這些照片。

就像Vlad Gansovsky的創作自述說的一樣,他有一些照片主要是用來揭示、展示一些社會上視為禁忌的情況,像是那一張女生背後位插入男生的照片(我標上*的那張)


基本上Vlad Gansovsky的照片在拍攝技巧上非常成熟,對於光影、色調都有自成一格的獨特與善意,這是非常難能可貴的,因為SM攝影非常難以表現出溫暖的、良善的、好親近的形象,一般而論SM攝影展現出來的大多都是難以親近的專業與獨特性。而在情感上Vlad Gansovsky也表現出相當明確的創作目標以及目的,這非常迷人。


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